Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Tips for Your First Day of Work

So, you nailed the interview and got the job. You start on Monday. Now what?

The first day of work at a new job is nerve-wracking for just about everybody. Here are a few tips to make sure that you put your best foot forward on your first day:

Do some research
You should have already done some cursory research about the company before your interview. Now that they have hired you, consume every bit of information you can find prior to your first day. Browse their website and maybe do a few Google searches – you will likely be surprised at how much information is out there. If you come in on your first day well-versed in the company’s goals, history, etc. you will set yourself up for success on day one.

Be on time
Whatever you do, don’t be late on your first day. There is no need to make this point longer than necessary. Make sure that you know where you are going and that you allow enough time to get there. Nothing creates a worse first impression than being tardy on your first day of work.

Wear appropriate attire
Hopefully when you interviewed you got a good feel for the work environment. If so, dress accordingly so that your appearance jibes with coworkers. If you weren’t able to get a preview of the work environment, don’t hesitate to ask someone (your supervisor or an HR rep) about the dress code. Being overdressed can give off the impression that you are “showing up” your new coworkers. Being undressed, on the other hand, might send the message that you don’t care about your new position. Look sharp, but don’t overdo it.

Listen and take notes
You are new, after all. Commit yourself to listening and observing instead of talking, at least during your first few days. This approach will endear you to your coworkers and help you adapt to your new environment. Learn the names of your coworkers and make sure you have a good understanding of your job. This is not to say you shouldn’t assert yourself at all – ask questions, even if they seem “dumb.” Your supervisor will appreciate your desire to do things right the first time through. Just resist the urge to recommend an overhaul of their current way of doing things, no matter how inefficient it may seem. Sure, they may be bringing you on board to get a fresh perspective, but don’t offer that perspective right off the bat. Save that for when you are completely acclimated to your new work environment.

If you follow the basic tips outlined above, you will be off to a good start. In the end, don’t forget what has gotten you to this point. They hired you for a reason. Go out and show them why!

- Cobey Culton

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